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【Geb】モジュールとは? / What isModules ?

【Geb】モジュールとは? / What isModules ?


  • Gebのモジュールについて公式ページの翻訳を通して理解すること



  1. 原文情報
  2. 原文と翻訳
  3. まとめ



6 Modules
6.1 Base And Context / Base と Context
6.2 Reusing modules across pages / ページ間でのmoduleの再利用
6.3 Using modules for repeating content on a page / ページ上の同一contentにmoduleを利用する
6.4 The Content DSL / The Content DSL
6.5 Inheritance / 継承
6.6 Size and Location / サイズと位置

6. Modules

Modules are re-usable definitions of content that can be used across multiple pages. They are useful for modelling things like UI widgets that are used across multiple pages, or even for defining more complex UI elements in the one page.

They are defined in a manner similar to pages, but extend Module…

class ExampleModule extends Module {
    static content = {
        button { $("input", type: "submit") }

Pages can “include” modules using the following syntax…

class ExamplePage extends Page {
    static content = {
        theModule { module ExampleModule }

The module method is a special method only available in content template definitions. It sets the content to an instance of the module…

Browser.drive {
    to ExamplePage

Modules can also be parameterised

class ExampleModule extends Module {
    def buttonName
    static content = {
        button { $("input", type: "submit", name: buttonName) }

Where the parameters are set using the module method

class ExamplePage extends Page {
    static content = {
        theModule { name -> module ExampleModule, buttonName: name }
Browser.drive {
    to ExamplePage

Modules can also include other modules

class ExampleModule extends Module {
    static content = {
        innerModule { module InnerModule }
class InnerModule extends Module {
    static content = {
        button { $("input", type: "submit") }
class ExamplePage extends Page {
    static content = {
        theModule { module ExampleModule }
Browser.drive {

6.1 Base と Context

Modules can be localised to a specific section of the page that they are used in, or they can specify an absolute context as part of their definition. There are two ways that a modules base/context can be defined.
Moduleは、Moduleが使用されているページの特定のセクションに局所化することができる。加えて、それらの定義の一部として絶対的なコンテキストを指定することもできる。module base/contextを定義するには2つの方法がある

It can be defined at inclusion time…

static content = {
    form { module FormModule, $("form") }

We can define a Navigator context when including the module using the above syntax. This now means that all $() function calls that occur within the module are against the given context (in this case, the form element).

import geb.Module
class FormModule extends Module {
    static base = { $("form") }

This has the same effect as the code above.
They can also be combined. Consider the following HTML…

<div class="a">
        <input name="thing" value="a"/>
<div class="b">
        <input name="thing" value="b"/>

And the following content definitions…

import geb.*
class ExamplePage extends Page {
    static content = {
        formA { module FormModule, $("div.a") }
        formB { module FormModule, $("div.b") }
class FormModule extends Module {
    static base = { $("form") }
    static content = {
        thingValue { thing().value() }

When working with a browser at a ExamplePage page…

assert formA.thingValue == "a"
assert formB.thingValue == "b"

If the module declares a base, it is always calculated relative to the base given by the including statement. If the including statement does not specify a base, the module’s base is calculated relative to the including page’s base.

6.2 ページ間でのmoduleの再利用

As previously stated, modules can be used to model page fragments that are reused across multiple pages. For example, many different types of pages in your application may show information about the user’s shopping cart. You could handle this with modules.

class CartInfoModule extends Module {
    static content = {
        section { $("div.cart-info") }
        itemCount { section.find("span.item-count").toInteger() }
        totalCost { section.find("span.total-cost").toDouble() }
class HomePage extends Page {
    static content = {
        cartInfo { module CartInfoModule }
class OtherPage extends Page {
    static content = {
        cartInfo { module CartInfoModule }

6.3 ページ上の同一contentにmoduleを利用する

Other than content that is repeated on different pages (like the shopping cart mentioned above), pages also have content that is repeated on the page itself. On a checkout page, the contents of the shopping cart could be summarized with the product name, the quantity and price for each product contained. For this kind of page, a list of modules can be collected using the moduleList function.

We can model one line of the table like this:

        <td>The Book Of Geb</td><td>1</td><td>5.99</td>
        <td>Geb Single-User License</td><td>1</td><td>99.99</td>
        <td>Geb Multi-User License</td><td>1</td><td>199.99</td>

We can model one line of the table like this:

class CartRow extends Module {
    static content = {
        cell { $("td", it) }
        productName { cell(0).text() }
        quantity { cell(1).text().toInteger() }
        price { cell(2).text().toDouble() }

And define a list of CartRows in our Page:

class CheckoutPage extends Page {
    static content = {
        cartItems { moduleList CartRow, $("table tr").tail() } // tailing to skip the header row

Because the return value of cartItems is a list of CartRow instances, we can use any of the usual collection methods:

assert cartItems.every { it.price > 0.0 }

We can also access the cart items like this:

assert cartItems[0].productName == "The Book Of Geb"

Unfortunately, this has a performance penalty of creating all modules in the list. You can get around it and add support for ranges by changing your content definition to:

class CheckoutPage extends Page {
    static content = {
       cartItems { index -> moduleList CartRow, $("table tr").tail(), index }

Now all of the following will pass and is more efficient:

assert cartItems.every { it.price > 0.0 }
assert cartItems(0).productName == "The Book Of Geb"
assert cartItems(1..2)*.productName == ["Geb Single-User License", "Geb Multi-User License"]

Keep in mind that you can also pass module parameters the same way as you would with the module() method:
あなたは、module() メソッドと同じようにモジュールパラメータも渡すことができることも覚えておくこと

static content = {
    myContent { index -> moduleList MyModule, $(".myModuleClass"), index, myParam: 'param value' }

6.4 The Content DSL

The Content DSL used for modules is exactly the same as the one used for pages, so all of the same options and techniques can be used.
moduleで利用されるThe Content DSLは、"5.3 The Content DSL"と全く同様である。したがって、同様のオプションと技術を利用することができる。

6.5 継承

Modules can use inheritance in the same way that pages can. That is, their content definitions are merged with any content redefined in the subclass taking precedence of the superclass.

6.6 サイズと位置

You can obtain the size and location of the module. All units are in pixels. The size is available via the height and width properties, while the location is available as the x and y properties which represent the distance from the top left of the page (or parent frame) to the top left point of the base of the module.

$("div").height == 20
$("div").width == 40
$("div").x == 60
$("div").y == 80